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Lego Book Rating Guide

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

The Infernal Devices #3

I do not give a recap of the books in my reviews. That is what the book descriptions are so you can check that out on Goodreads. Nor do I have spoilers in my reviews, I want anyone to be able to read it, and especially for those that have not read the book, I do not want to be the jerk that ruins it for them. So read on for my honest review!

Overall Rating

When it comes to major book series that are wildly popular, I tend to be a little bit more critical with my reviews. It is hard to explain, I just hold the books to a higher standard because I have come across authors that have extremely popular books and I find them to be undeserving of the fame. This series and Cassandra Clare absolutely deserve every bit of popularity and fame that has been given. I adored the Mortal Instruments Series, but Infernal Devices completely surpasses Mortal Instruments in my opinion. Maybe it is because I am a sucker for the Victorian theme books that makes me favor Infernal Devices, but I really don’t think so. This series is packed with everything that I am obsessed with. You have action, romance, historical/Victorian era, steampunk, angels, demons, vampires, shapeshifters, just everything paranormal or supernatural you can think of. I get scared when it comes to the end of a great series. The author either nails it or they don’t. In my opinion, Cassandra Clare NAILED it! The ending was bittersweet and made me think, that is what a good ending should do to the reader.


The creativity/originality of this book (the whole series in general) is off the charts. To be able to take every paranormal being and mix them all into a book series can be a tricky thing. Too much gets confusing, too little leaves you wanting. The author did a beautiful job of putting the story and characters together and giving it her own twist. The fact that the series can be grouped into so many different genres attests to the genius of the author. The book is rich and explosive with creativity and for that I am grateful!

Complexity of Characters/Storyline

Where the characters complex? Hell yes. Double Hell YES! There are so many characters and each one completely different from the others. You come to know the history, the physical looks, and the emotional makeup of each person in the story and it is just packed with the WOW factor. Each one has their paranormal story and the way that their stories weave together is exquisitely done. I am amazed at how this masterpiece was put together.

Quality of Writing

The quality of writing is exquisite. The story is set in Victorian times and the author did a perfect job of using the speech they used in those times. Many a times I have read a book that takes place in the 1800’s and the authors would consistently throw in words and terms used today. It makes the story so corny and artificial. In this book, I felt like I actually stepped out of 2013 and landed in the Victorian Era. I absolutely loved it! The author also uses more advanced vocabulary typically found in YA books which was refreshing. Not overly done so that you needed a dictionary to follow along, but enough to where I didn’t feel like I was reading a middle school book. The story and characters were incredibly complex and Cassandra Clare was excellent with her wording so that the story was easy to follow and flowed evenly from scene to scene.


I felt that the action was well spaced out in this book. You barely get a chance to calm down and recover from a battle or emotionally straining scene before you are thrust into another action sequence. It was not overdone though. I appreciate that I didn’t have to drag myself from chapter to chapter before something exciting happened. I felt like I was kept on my toes. And the way that the story was going, I truly didn’t know what to anticipate for the ending.

Would I recommend this book? HELL FREAKIN YEAH! I am sad that the trilogy has ended, but I go a sense of finality after I finished it. I know some people had a problem with the ending, but I felt it to be fair and actually pleasant. It was extremely well written and a perfect prequel for The Mortal Instruments Series. This series is definitely my favorite between the two and in my top ten of all time favorite trilogies.

No excuses! Go get the damn book! If you have not read any of Cassandra Clare’s book, you are missing out my friend.

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